Senegal and Mauritania LNG Infrastructure Reverse Trade Mission and Business Briefing

With recent offshore gas discoveries, Senegal and Mauritania have been eager to develop gas infrastructure, including gas fired power plants and a floating liquefaction natural gas unit (FLNG) and distribution systems.

USTDA is hosted a Senegal and Mauritania LNG Infrastructure Reverse Trade Mission (RTM) to introduce decision makers from Senegal and Mauritania’s power sectors to U.S. LNG and gas infrastructure, technologies, services, and equipment. The delegation included the Minister of Petroleum and Energy from Senegal and the Minister of Petroleum, Energy and Mining from Mauritania, as well as representatives from the Senegalese Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Finance, COS-Petrogaz, and the Senegalese National Oil Company, National Electric Utility and Regulator, Sovereign Wealth Fund, and National Planning Agency. The delegates traveled to Houston, TX to meet with U.S. suppliers and equipment manufacturers, as well as U.S. technology and service providers for midstream and downstream gas infrastructure. In Washington, DC, the delegates met with U.S. regulators and finance organizations.

With recent offshore gas discoveries, Senegal and Mauritania have been eager to develop gas infrastructure, including gas fired power plants and a floating liquefaction natural gas unit (FLNG) and distribution systems. Additionally, both Senegal and Mauritania plan to import LNG in the near term to reduce energy costs and expedite the transition to gas while its domestic supplies are being developed over the next 6-7 years.

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Senegal and Mauritania LNG Infrastructure

Senegal and Mauritania LNG Infrastructure

Senegal and Mauritania LNG Infrastructure

Senegal and Mauritania LNG Infrastructure

Senegal and Mauritania LNG Infrastructure

Senegal and Mauritania LNG Infrastructure

Senegal and Mauritania LNG Infrastructure

Senegal and Mauritania LNG Infrastructure