Pacific Islands – Port Leaders – Business Round Table

Pacific Islands Business Round Table

November 8, 2023

USTDA’s Pacific Islands Port Leaders Reverse Trade Mission (RTM) brings a delegation of port sector officials from the Pacific Islands to the United States to familiarize them with state-of-the-art U.S. technologies, services and best practices to improve port operations, security, and sustainability. The RTM will include a Business Round Table meeting hosted by the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) at their offices in Washington, D.C.. U.S. companies will learn about upcoming port sector projects and initiatives in the Pacific Islands and have the opportunity to share information about their equipment, technologies and services. 

Nigeria Satellite Technologies – Reverse Trade Mission

Virtual Business Briefing – Nigeria Satellite Technologies

May 9 – 13, 2022

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) is hosting a reverse trade mission for satellite sector decision-makers from Nigeria to meet with U.S. suppliers of state-of-the-art satellite equipment, technologies, and services.

Nigeria Agribusiness Reverse Trade Mission and Business Briefing

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) sponsored a Reverse Trade Mission (RTM) for delegates from Nigeria to encourage the implementation of agribusiness projects in Nigeria utilizing exports of state-of-the-art U.S. technologies and services. The RTM, organized by GMC, spanned 13 calendar days and included visits to Omaha, Kearney, Grand Island and Lexington, Nebraska, Pella, Johnston, Des Moines, Grundy, Waterloo and Davenport, Iowa, Sacramento, Davis, Lemoore, Dinuba, Selma, Hilmar and San Francisco, CA. The RTM delegation was comprised of eleven delegates from the agribusiness sector in Nigeria.

USTDA Releases Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Report

Arlington, VA – Today, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency released its Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Report (FY18) which features unprecedented success securing market access for the export of U.S.-manufactured goods, services and technologies for U.S. businesses overseas, while supporting infrastructure projects in emerging markets. This year, for every one dollar programmed, USTDA generated $104 in U.S. exports, benefiting a range of businesses, including small businesses, across the United States.

Senegal and Mauritania LNG Infrastructure Reverse Trade Mission and Business Briefing

USTDA is hosting the Senegal and Mauritania LNG Infrastructure Reverse Trade Mission (RTM) to introduce decision makers from Senegal and Mauritania’s power sectors to U.S. LNG and gas infrastructure, technologies, services, and equipment. The delegation will include the Minister of Petroleum and Energy from Senegal and the Minister of Petroleum, Energy and Mining from Mauritania, as well as representatives from the Senegalese Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Finance, COS-Petrogaz, and the Senegalese National Oil Company, National Electric Utility and Regulator, Sovereign Wealth Fund, and National Planning Agency. The delegates will travel to Houston, TX to meet with U.S. suppliers and equipment manufacturers, as well as U.S. technology and service providers for midstream and downstream gas infrastructure. In Washington, DC, the delegates will meet with U.S. regulators and finance organizations.

India Aviation Safety, Security, and Airport Infrastructure Reverse Trade Mission

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency hosted the India Aviation Safety, Security, and Airport Infrastructure Reverse Trade Mission (RTM), which brought senior level aviation officials from India’s Ministry of Civil Aviation, Airports Authority of India, Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Bureau of Civil Aviation Security, and Air India to the United States to learn about best practices and U.S. solutions that can support India’s aviation goals.

India’s aviation industry is growing rapidly, and the government plans to invest $120 billion in civil aviation expansion and modernization projects over the next ten years, which presents tremendous opportunities for U.S. businesses. The itinerary included a Business Roundtable and Networking Reception for U.S. companies at the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) in Washington, D.C.

Europe and Eurasia Regional District Energy Combined Heat and Power Orientation Visit

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (TDA) sponsored a visit to the United States for delegates of the Eurasian and Southeastern Europe District Energy/Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Orientation Visit from June 21, 2003 to June 27, 2003. The delegation was invited to view American technology in the district heating and combined heat and power sector.
TDA retained Global Marketing & Communications (GMC) to organize and execute the Orientation Visit (OV) which focused on the delegates’ participation at the district energy conference sponsored by the International District Energy Association (IDEA) in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. In addition to attending the IDEA conference, the delegation participated in site visits to various heating and power facilities in Philadelphia and Baltimore. GMC also organized meetings for four of the delegates to Washington, D.C. to meet with high-level officials at USAID.

Iraq Power Sector Orientation Visit

USTDA funded a 15-day Orientation Visit (OV) to the United States for twelve officials from the Iraq Power Sector. The delegation was comprised of ten representatives from the Iraq Ministry of Electricity (ME) and two from the Iraq Ministry of Oil (MOO).

The ME is responsible for planning, constructing, operating and maintaining the electric power system in Iraq. In addition, the ME works with the MOO on joint fuels coordination issues with regards to liquid fuels, natural gas infrastructure and the more effective use of natural gas in Iraq’s comprehensive energy development strategy. The ME is also working closely with U.S. Embassy Baghdad on an overall operations and maintenance (O&M) strategy. The delegates from ME and MOO were selected according to their participation in the Joint Fuels Committee and their roles in implementing an O&M strategy to develop the skilled managers necessary to maintain the new and upgraded power facilities.

India Municipal Finance Orientation Visit

The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) sponsored a delegation of nine delegates from India for the purpose of supporting the Municipal Finance System being developed in the country. The delegation met with US Government agencies, US firms, and other organizations including rating agencies, The World Bank Group, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, and the Bond Market Association.